On this day I will marry my best friend........
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"Now you will feel no rain,

for each of you will be shelter to the other.

Now you will feel no cold,

for each of you will be warmth to the other.

Now there is no more loneliness.

Now there are two persons,

but one life before you."



Wedding Party:
Maid Of Honor: Jessica Helm
Best Man: Dale Miller
Bridemaid: Teresa Gawman
Usher: Rob Oberlerchner
Bridemaid: Jennifer Deschamps
Usher: Allin Boutin
Bridesmaid: Christine Halbert
Usher: Patrick Targosz
Junior Groomsmen: Michael Halbert
Masters Of Ceremonies: Dale Miller & Jessica Helm

I prayed to God for someone who understand me and accept me the way that I am, And for a special friend who would share laughter and tears; and he sent me you.
You have been by my side through my darkest hours and my brightest days. In my darkest troubles and my coldest silence I looked for you and you were there.
I look at you and I see my best friend. Your inner beauty so strong that I no longer fear being myself; I no longer fear at all.
I promise to be true to you and to myself. For you all my love both body and soul. My life for yours our destiny to unfold.
I thank God everyday that you were brought into my life, most of all I thank you for loving me.

Melissa, I Love You......
On this truly blessed day, I will become your husband, and you, my wife. I am comforted because I know that there is true love between us.
I will cherish every day that we will be together, and promise that I will always be there to support you, comfort you and love you from this day forward.
 I vow to be faithful and true to you, and promise that I will always be my your side.
Our lives thus far have walked us through happiness, and bliss as well as sadness. It is up to us now to savor all the joy our lives will bring us, as well as learn from our mistakes.
United together, from this day forward, I know we will make all of our dreams come true.

Other Attendants:
Mother Of The Bride: Donna Lamarre
Father Of The Bride: Maurice Allain
Mother Of The Groom: Isabel Halbert
Father Of The Groom: Douglas Halbert
Soloists: Kari-Lynn Olmstead
               Mark Carbon
Readers: Sherree Gravelle
              Rick Barbosa

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