On this day I will marry my best friend........
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Parents of The Bride and Groom

It is you that have helped us grow together
Melissa and Mother

To My Mother:
You are the most wonderful mother a child could ever have~ not only for all the love and support and guidance over the years but also for everything you've done towards today. Your massive contribution has been priceless and without you we would never have managed and today would not have been possible. If it wasn't for you I would not be standing here today. You have taught me the importance of being myself. You have always been by my side, wiping my tears away or sharing laughter with me. I am now a woman, a married woman...a wife, and now it is my husbands turn to take care of me. I am confident that we will grow old together and take care of eacother because of all the things you have taught me. Thank you for making me a strong person. Thank you Mom.

Josh and Father

I have learned so many valuable lessons from you over the years. And I actually remember a few of them today. I hope I can grow to be such a loving and providing father like you have been to me. I love you very much.

Josh and Mother

Words cannot express how grateful I am for all the love and support you have given me over the years. You have taught me to be caring and to be a paitent man. Thank you for giving me so much love. I love you very much.

Melissa and Father

To My Father:
You have no idea how much it meant for me to have you walk me down the isle today. I'm not sure if you were holding me up or if I was holding you up. Dad, thank you for all of your love, and your inspiration, you are a beautiful person inside and out. Rememeber that today you are not losing a daughter....you are gaining a son, a wonderful man...things could be worse. Congratulations to you for finding such a wonderful woman to share in your life with you and for turning your life around. Johanne, thank you for making my dad so happy.